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The Real Science
behind Great Skin

Real Chemistry’s products are blended
using pharmaceutical grade ingredients, biosynthetics
and precision engineering to deliver superior, sustainable results.


Sustainable, all natural fragrances sourced exclusively from France


Ingredients sourced from global pharmaceutical supply chain or synthesized in our lab to ensure sustainability, purity, and efficacy.

Cruelty Free

Real Chemistry's products and ingredients are never tested on animals and is 100% cruelty free.


Real Chemistry produces elegant, innovative solutions to common skincare challenges using biosynthetics and engineering since 2010.


Every snowflake is different. Nature is beautiful, but wildly inconsistent. Science is predictable, precise, and sustainable. Real Chemistry relies on scientific formulations and processes to produce its technically advanced products.

Luminous 3 min protien peel
Real Science

What is a protein peel?

Real Chemistry’s foundational technology is an engineering marvel. The Luminous 3 Minute Peel is a protein peel, a new class of skin exfoliant, without harsh acids or abrasives. Protein peels are engineered to bind with proteins, in this case your dead skin cells. 60-100 cellular layers of dead skin cover the newest, most recently manufactured skin cells on your body. Removing the dead cells is a big reveal – uncovering the small, tightly packed cells that are brand new. These cells are smooth and silky and reflect light, making the skin appear brighter and less dull, in just a few seconds.
Real Science

What is the Real Chemistry MTHV Complex?

Real Chemistry’s proprietary MTHV ® is a trademarked combination of Metallothionein (MT) and Hirudin (HV) biosynthetics. MT is a potent anti-oxidant that usually comes from biological sources. Real Chemistry’s biosynthetics mimic its effect and are pure and predictable when made in the lab. Hirudin is a mild anticoagulant that helps to thin and fade tiny red lines.

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